Tags: best and worst case
What is the best case time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)?
def foo(arr):
"""`arr` is a list containing n numbers."""
previous = None
n = len(arr)
for x in arr:
if x == previous:
for i in range(n**2):
previous = x
Tags: best and worst case
What is the worst case time complexity of the function in the previous problem?
Tags: best and worst case, mergesort
True or False: the best case time complexity of mergesort is \(\Theta(n)\).
Tags: best and worst case
The below code takes in an array of numbers and returns the index of the first maximum. What is this code's best case time complexity?
def index_of_maximum(arr):
"""`arr` is an array with n elements."""
for i, x in enumerate(arr):
if x == max(arr):
return i
Tags: best and worst case
The below code takes in an array of numbers and returns the index of the first maximum.
def foo(arr):
"""`arr` is an array with n elements."""
for i, x in enumerate(arr):
if x == max(arr):
return i
What is the worst case time complexity of the function?
Tags: best and worst case
The code below takes in an array of \(n\) numbers and checks whether there is a pair of numbers in the array which, when added together, equal the maximum element of the array.
What is the best case time complexity of this code as a function of \(n\)? State your answer using asymptotic notation.
def exists_pair_summing_to_max(arr):
n = len(arr)
maximum = max(arr)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i + 1, n):
if arr[i] + arr[j] == maximum:
return True
return False
Tags: best and worst case
What is the worst case time complexity of the function in the last problem? State your answer using asymptotic notation.
Tags: best and worst case
What is the best case time complexity of the following function in terms of \(n\)?
def foo(arr):
"""`arr` is a list containing n numbers."""
previous = None
n = len(arr)
for x in arr:
if x == previous:
for i in range(n**2):
previous = x
Tags: best and worst case
True or False: the best case time complexity of mergesort is \(\Theta(n)\).